Friday, April 27, 2012

Chicago is...

My kind of town.

At almost 8 months old, we thought, Oh my gosh! Have we let Liam get this far without having yet to have been on a plane? By 8 months, Wyatt had already been to Chicago and back twice! So, we packed up the boys, and what felt to be about a million things that seems to accompany them and we hopped on a four hour flight to the Windy City to reconnect with our home away from home.
This little So.Cal family went urban!

About a block form our apartment. I had to stop and capture this moment. My little men in the big city.

Elation at the "L" Station. 
Got a 3 year old you need to entertain? Hop on the "L". Seriously, the best $2.50 you can spend in the city. The Brown Line to The Loop. Quick stop to get a cookie, and then cruise the streets.

State Street.
 That Great Street. 
I just want to say, they do things there they don't do on Broadway!
(One of my favorite images of the city...and Frank Sinatra lyrics.)

Michigan Avenue.
How do I love thee? Count the ways, I shall try. But, I don't think the best counter has yet counted so high.

Raising Some Ruckus at the John Hancock

Our view of the City-Sears Tower and All

"I saw a man, he danced with his wife, in Chicago."

What a town!

This is how I roll in this town.

You have not truly experienced the magic of deep dish pizza until you have spent some time at Pizzeria Due!

A Quiet Moment at the Children's Museum

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The End of a Day

This is my view at the end of the day. If you are ever looking for me at about 7pm, this is where you can find me. Just me and my Sugar.

Fireside Chat

Spring-probably my favorite season.
Nah, who am I kidding, I'm a summer girl! But spring is a close second.
Especially on days like these.