Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I can...

climb to dangerous heights,

or not so dangerous heights,

and express myself artistically with my fellow artists-but still have time to pose for a photo.
What can I say? I'm a well-rounded little man who loves his "Dita" days.

It's hard to believe Wyatt will be wrapping up his time at daycare this summer and heading off to preschool in the fall!
Life goes fast, eh.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Meet the Jabberwocks

We are the Jabberwocks.

So cute, you must look twice.
And when you do not watch us...

your mascara pays the price.
(Poor mascara.)

"They Say It's Your Birthday"

"It's my birthday, too, yeah."

Monday, March 14, 2011

We're Expanding

...well, one of us is anyhow.
We are so happy and Wy is getting ready to debut his "Big Brother" skills this coming September.
Good-bye sleep! Totally overrated anyhow.