Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Happenings

Two of My Favorite People Under My Favorite Tree

That's right, ya'll. We've got two turntables and a microphone.
(Technically no turntable-just an amp and a mic and some kickin' tunes.)

Kickin' it Old School

No Halloween is complete without the carvings of Pete.

What do you have when you mix a pirate, an astronaut, a cheerleader, Rupunzel, and a ferry?
Pure Halloween Wonder!

...oh, and a red hot chile pepper, too.

Lady Gaga's stunt double?

After the tricks and treats had all been said and done, and our little pirate had a chance to enjoy the booty, our little family called it a night and tucked in for a long autumn's sleep.

It was a good Halloween.


  1. Does the pirate have a pink skirt on? :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh, never mind. I think it's a pom pom I see.:) I love the chili pepper, and the two guys in the grass are awesome! We had an astronaut and a police man at our house this year.
