Happy Birthday, B!
Mom's double-fisted, because truly, whoever coined the phrase of "the terrible twos" well, I'm just saying, they jumped the gun by about a year.
(comment not directed at the newest member of the 3 Year Old Club, of course)

Two Best Friends
Let me tell you, if I've ever seen a tortoise have a ball, this had to be the day!

Looks like I'm not even fitting into the entire frame these days. Good job baby. Keep sucking up those calories. Lord knows I'm providing them!
Chocolate cupcakes, frozen yogurt, popsicles-to name a few of our favorite treats.
Okay, now you're huge . . . and look'n cute:)! Hopefully I'll connect with you soon, but school is in full swing starting this week. Missing my "real job share partner"!! Keep loading up on the treats. I've read it's really good for baby brain development:)))).