Aye, Mexico.
Pete, Wyatt, and I decided to get in touch with 50% of my genetic roots (25% of Wy's) and took a 2 hour flight to our southernly neighbor-Mexico (Cabo San Lucas) The best part was that we were in the company of our good friends-the Beltons. Who, if you haven't already met them, I highly recommend you do. Many of our good times have included them and were because of them.
What a way to celebrate the ending of a great year and ring in the beginning of another one.

It's wintertime you say? Surely, you must be mistaken.
Wyatt and Pepe-BFF (sorry, Pepe)
You may not know this about Wyatt, but he likes to dabble in photography.
You may not know this about me, but I like to relax.
Mis Dos Amores
The Little Man Hits the Playa
The Hunter
The Hunter Celebrates
The Hunter's Friend Kicks Back
I can't quite remember this little guy's name. It was either Jose or Pedro. He just needed to check up on how the fishing trip was coming along and give a friendly, "Hola. Que Tal?"
Anyhow, que bonito!

Holy Mahi Mahi!
Sometimes you just gotta steal a little kiss from your Boo-Boo Bear.
(Yes, that's right, I call him Boo-Boo Bear. Can you blame me?)
Our Trusty & Talented Chef
Reaping the Rewards of the Hunt
Have you ever tried to balance a spoon on your nose? It's great fun! Truly.

A New Year's Nuzzle (Mexican Style)
The Beginning of Un Buen Ano
Hanging with the kiddies after, you guessed it, lobster.
Aye yai yai yai! Cantar no llores! (please, no llores!)
The second day of the New Year, we took to the streets of downtown Cabo San Lucas to see what we could see. After doing the customary bargaining game for a few trinkets, we all headed out to un lunche delicioso-lobster tacos, baby (..oh, and spaghetti for Wyatt.What else does one eat in Mexico?)
A Local Street Performer
Mi Familia
Vamos a la playa.
Dos Mamacitas
Sand, shovel, grassy umbrella thing-now this is a good time.
This country rocks!
These photos are wicked cool