from the moment we set foot off the train in the Gare de Lyon, i realized this just may be my favorite city on earth.we made ourselves comfortable in a little apartment in St. Germain des Pres. our (yes, i'm pretending we own it.) living room windows had a view of the boulevard St. Germain below, candy-stand and all-not to mention, four of our favorite friends, the brunckhursts, were stationed only 2 blocks away. 2 kids, the hubs, me, and our friends-in Paris. sometimes, i can not believe it all actually happened.
it was that good.
another paris favorite of mine: after a busy morning of exploring-just grab a couch, your favorite stuffed animal, and cuddle. |
macaroons, anyone?
because if so, we could just pop across the street and pick up a few! |
when i look at this apartment, so many happy memories come flooding back. this trip is going down in the books as one of the best. what an amazing family experience. (yep, that's a shirtless william holden on the tv. Paris When it Sizzles, people!) |